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  • cabaxfarms

With LOVE from Cabax Farms❤


In the fields of our hearts, love's seeds are sown.

Through sunlit days and skies of gray.

Each furrow plowed, each seed carefully laid.

Mirrors the care in the promises made.

For love, like a garden, requires attention,

Nurtured with care, it thrives without mention.

Just as crops rely on rain from above,

Our love flourishes with gestures of love.

In the harvest of life, we reap what we sow,

A bountiful yield from the love that we grow.

So on this Valentine's, let's take a moment to see.

The parallels between love and agriculture's decree.

For just as the earth gives life to the seed,

Love sustains us, fulfilling our need.

Happy Valentine's Day to our CUSTOMERS! 🌾❤️

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